LOS VIDEOS PARA LA NOCHEVIEJA Nochevieja Video (1) Watch this Spanish video to learn how la Nochevieja is celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries.
Nochevieja Video (2) View this cute Spanish video to see the tradition of eating twelve grapes at midnight.
Nochevieja Video (3) Watch this video in Spanish to learn about the tradition of the 12 uvas in Spain.
Nochevieja (4) Watch this amazing video to see a great list of New Year’s resolutions in Spanish.
Nochevieja (5) Sing along to the New Year’s song in Spanish.
Nochevieja (6) This link has a wonderful explanation in Spanish about La Navidad, La Nochevieja and all of the other holidays at this time of year. Students can read this cultural information and then follow up by answering comprehension questions or by writing about or discussing what they learned.
La Navidad en España Watch this video in Spanish to learn about the holiday traditions for la Navidad, Los Reyes Magos and La Nochevieja in Spain. (Closed captioning enhances learning.)